'It's the little things you do that mean so much' wooden plaque, by East of India

'It's the little things you do that mean so much' wooden plaque, by East of India


12.5 x 10 x 2cm.

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'Families are the heart of every home' hanging porcelain heart, from East of India


People walk through our lives but only true friends leave footprints on our hearts'

Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way. heart coaster

Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way. heart coaster

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'Loved you yesterday...' porcelain mug in box, by East of India

'Mum' porcelain heart coaster in acetate box, by East of India DSC_0725-2.jpg

'Mum' porcelain heart coaster in acetate box, by East of India
